The Choice Not To Vaccinate Doesn’t Only Affect You! – VaccinesToday

There’s something very scary happening in our world today. Well, there’s many scary things, but what I’m going to talk about is that vaccination rates are dipping. In Canada in the spring of 2013 our immunisation rate was 84%, which is below the goal of 95% to protect our communities from vaccine-preventable deadly diseases. In Alberta where I live, our goal is even higher as we aim for a 98% immunization rate. The anti-vaccine movement is along the same lines and the anti-GMO movement. Why do people distrust science so much? Letting seeds of doubt planted by internet memes, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories get watered and allowed to grow and overshadow scientific evidence.

Source: The Choice Not To Vaccinate Doesn’t Only Affect You! – VaccinesToday

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